Hi and welcome to Quizland Dipdngold

Started by Dave, 10.07.2024, 06:30

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Hi Dipdngold thank you for becoming a member and welcome to the site.

I hope you find everything your looking for and that you decide to take part in the site no matter how small. Feel free to suggest any ideas you might have in the Suggestions section if you feel there is something you would like to see. If you need any help with anything please feel free to ask me.




Hi. How are you? Thank you for making the quiz module. I have a domain that I wasn't doing anything with and this should help a lot.


I am very well thank you and hope you are too. Help yourself to what ever you want with the quiz and if you need any help please don't hesitate to ask.

I should tell you that have been a few minor issues with the latest version of the quiz which the current author said he'd look into next week. If you haven't already seen the topic on SMF I'll update you if and when there's a new/revised version.