Cat Clock

Started by Dave, 28.04.2023, 13:30

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Made this from a plan for the Childrens Centre

As usual start by cutting all the pieces up

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Now to paint them and put it together. You may note the lack of a '1' for 11 on the clock, I bought the numbers and then realised after sticking them all on there wasn't enough to finish it, when I went back to the store to get more they didn't have any so I have to start all over again with the numbers, hence in the photo at the bottom the numbers are different

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And that's all there is to it. When I took this photo I didn't realise the tail was on back to front so you cannot see the mouse very well hanging on to the cats tail. Maybe someone could take a photo of it in the centre and post it below for us.

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A lot of hard work goes into these things  ;)
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