Problem importing quizzes

Started by Shades, 02.11.2022, 23:20

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SMF 2.1.2

Hey Dave,

I got the quiz installed and working but having trouble importing the quizzes from Film & Theatre. Specifically Pack 6b & Pack 6c. I get the following error:

Type of error
Error message
Database Error: Data too long for column 'question_text' at row 1
URL of page causing the error

Backtrace information
#0: smf_db_error()
Called from /home/******/public_html/******/Sources/Subs-Db-mysql.php on line 494
#1: smf_db_query()
Called from /home/******/public_html/******/Sources/Subs-Db-mysql.php on line 802
#2: smf_db_insert()
Called from /home/******/public_html/******/Sources/Quiz/Db.php on line 2419
#3: ImportQuizQuestion()
Called from /home/******/public_html/******/Sources/Quiz/Admin.php on line 2343
#4: import_quiz()
Called from /home/******/public_html/******/Sources/Quiz/Admin.php on line 2658
#5: GetQuizImportData()
Called from /home/******/public_html/******/Sources/Quiz/Admin.php on line 198
#6: SMFQuizAdmin()
Called from /home/******/public_html/******/Sources/Admin.php on line 509
#7: AdminMain()
Called from /home/******/public_html/******/index.php on line 192

Shades - Custom Logos & SMF Themes - Motorcycle Events


Hi Shades

I see from the dowload page there are 44 quizzes in that pack. As I don't have access to my PC at the moment I cant remember if the are 2 or more xml files in the zip.

If there are only 2 it might be because the quiz doesn't like to import more that 20 quizzes in a pack, although I think one set does have more and did work ok on my site.

It also might be one of the questions exceeds the character limit for a question itself. There is a way to increase the limit but without looking at the code I cant remember where to change it.

I will have a look tomorrow morning and reply again



When I woke up this morning I remembered this was an old problem.

It's because of the title var which is set to 255.

Go to your phpMyAdmin, select your database at the top of the left column.

In the right hand panel look for the table 'smf_quiz_question', see attachments

Now click on 'Structure'

In the next window on line 3 you should see '3   question_text' at the end of that line click on 'Change'.

Now change the value 255 to 512 and then click on 'Save'

You should now have no problems importing quizzes with long question titles.




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