
The place to have fun!

Site files update

Started by Dave, 11.06.2023, 13:05

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This is basically the same text as the newsletter I sent out recently

1. Forum Update.

SMF have released a new update to help with security and bug fixes. One part of the update affects the way we now put images into posts. To help you all with this I have updated the walkthrough here to try and make the process as painless as possible.

As always if you need any help at all with the site please don't hesitate to let me know.

2. Membership

I was looking through the memberlist the other day and I've found that there are a few members who, since joining, have never actually been on the site. Whether this is for personal reasons or something else I don't know.

I have sent separate emails to each of the following people to remind them we are still here;

Andrew Shilliday

If you are one of them, please note that if you don't come and sign in to the site by 30th June your membership will be considered for removal. If anyone knows anyone on the list please let them know, it's possible they may have changed emails or forgotten their password, which can be easily replaced on the site when they try to log in.

There are also a lot on members who, although they have been to site on the odd occasion, haven't been here for a long time, I'm not going to list them but if you are one of those members please come back and see us, we now have more than 3300 arcade games and 585 quizzes.

Well that's it thanks for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful summer




Quit your yappin' and get back to work.  :bye

