
The place to have fun!


Started by Lee, 20.10.2023, 17:32

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Just having a whinge   :nono

Found out yesterday that if you have a Virgin Tivo box like me, that recorded shows are time limited.
Mistakenly thought that it was a "recorder" and once you had recorded something it was there until you deleted it, or the machine died.

Tried to watch some old music shows that I'd recorded over the last 3 years from BBC4, and got the message "BBC4 is no longer available from Virgin media", same applied to a couple of series recorded from BBC1.
As both channels are still working I thought I'd look up if other people were having the same problem.
The gist of the replies from Virgin were that it was all covered in section  :dontknow , sub section  :dontknow , paragraph  :dontknow  of your agreement, and it was your fault if you didn't watch the programmes quick enough as they are time limited which we obviously don't mention on any of our advertising blurb  :headwall

Now I guess most of the ones I've now had to delete will be on again sometime, but still annoying. At the moment it seems any recorded from Sky Arts or other channels are still OK even though they are over 2 years old.

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