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Posting 'YouTube' videos

Started by Dave, 26.03.2021, 11:25

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NOTE: There has been talk recently, March 2021, that 'YouTube' will stop links and downloads to copyright material so I'm not sure how much longer this will work for.

To post your own 'YouTube' videos, press the 'YouTube' icon as shown in the image below then just copy the link to the video and paste it in between the [youtube}your link here{/youtube] in a new post as seen below.

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Please note that some videos might not work as there are restrictions on some content due to copyright. It's best to test your post before clicking the 'Post' button by clicking on the 'Preview' button first at the bottom of the post and then click on the play button on the video, if it is copyright protected it will tell you (see image below) and you not be able to play it the post. Most of this is because the site where you can get the videos from will be UK, but as the site is hosted in USA the copyright comes into play. The way around this is to use a VPN connected the the country where the link might originate from.

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Here's a test

Click a link below to play that radio


As the weather is cold, stay in the warm, get a cup of something hot and play games or quizzes!

Quizland radio is back! Click on the top left block on the 'Home' page to listen to music from 9 different stations, you can also request tracks in each.

No adverts no chat just music 24 hours a day!